Overview and Award Outcomes
This program of study is for the student seeking a career in the plant production industry. Graduates in this program will have a strong knowledge and skills in greenhouse operation and management; plant production in a variety of ornamentals such as bedding plants, holiday plants (Easter Lilies, Poinsettias, etc.), and interior foliage plants. This degree will allow for advancement to supervisory and management positions.
Award Outcomes
Identify crops to be grown and their cultural needs.
Maintain crops.
Diagnose greenhouse pests using an IPM program.
Design a master plan for a business based on growing or selling crops.
Propagate woody and herbaceous plants sexually and asexually.
Operate greenhouse equipment efficiently.
Select pesticides and fertilizer formulations.
Calculate pesticide and fertilizer formulations.
Select proper media and amendments for plant crops.
Demonstrate technical knowledge of the greenhouse physical structure.
Select proper containers for crops.
Demonstrate technical knowledge of the environmental systems in the greenhouse.
Interpret soil and water tests.
Market crops.
Career Opportunities
Employment options include greenhouse production, plant propagation, greenhouse management and plant brokering.