Course Information

Technical Courses

Technical courses lead toward an A.S. degree, A.A.S. degree, diploma, or certificate. These courses prepare students to learn the technical knowledge and skill necessary to perform the tasks required for job entry, job enhancement, or job advancement.

General Education

General education is an essential component of a student’s success in technical education as general skills are increasingly required for success and advancement in today’s ever-changing global work environment. An integrated approach to technical and general education is applied so that technical and general skills mutually reinforce each other. HTC is committed to integrating into all majors the learner outcomes listed in the learner outcome section of this catalog.

General education courses include instruction that imparts common knowledge, broad applicable skills, perspective, and attitudes to the students. General education courses contain college-level content in communication, critical thinking, natural sciences, mathematical/logical reasoning, history and the social and behavioral sciences, humanities and fine arts, human diversity, global perspective, ethical and civic responsibility, and people and the environment. All general education courses are college level with the exception of developmental and ESOL courses.

Required Courses

Courses listed as required in an A.S. degree, A.A.S. degree, diploma, or certificate must be successfully completed to meet graduation requirements.

Elective Courses

Courses listed as electives in an A.S. degree, A.A.S. degree, diploma, or certificate provide students with the opportunity to select courses to satisfy graduation requirements.

Course Numbering System

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum represents a coordinated effort among Minnesota State institutions and the University of Minnesota to offer general education courses that may transfer from one institution to another. Hennepin Technical College’s 2000 level general education courses meet the guidelines of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).

College Level

College-level courses are numbered 1000 or above. Diplomas require all courses to be college-level. A.S. and A.A.S. degrees require Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) general education courses.

Developmental Level

Developmental and ESOL courses are numbered 0999 or lower. These courses may be necessary to prepare students for success in college-level coursework but cannot be applied toward an A.S. degree, A.A.S. degree, diploma, or certificate.

Course Prerequisites/Placement Test Requirements

Course prerequisites/placement test requirements are listed in the course description section of the catalog and on the HTC website. Students are responsible for meeting course prerequisites/minimum qualifying placement test scores or obtaining waiver authorization from program faculty, counselor, or an enrollment advisor. A course taken for audit will not satisfy a prerequisite.