
Greeting and welcome to Hennepin Technical College!

On behalf of the faculty and staff, I would like to congratulate you on taking that first step in achieving your goals. Whether you are seeking to complete a single course to polish your current skillset or have your sights set on a certificate, diploma or associates degree, we are honored that you have selected Hennepin Tech to be a partner in your educational journey.

We would like to welcome you to the Hennepin Tech family. Our college community is here to support, inspire and mentor you while you are learning the technical skills needed to enter the workforce, change careers or get the next promotion. We will celebrate your achievements along with the impact you will make in your industry and community. 
Hennepin Tech is known for providing a top quality, low cost education which leads to high paying careers. While you are on campus you will make new friends and connections to industry partners and have the opportunity to participate in many student clubs or industry specific memberships.
We are here to assist you every step along the way.
You have made the right choice! Let’s reach the finish line together!

Joy Bodin, President
Hennepin Technical College