FLPW1231 Industrial Electricity I
This course is a study of the terms, symbols, definitions and safety practices related to industrial electricity. The student will calculate volts, ohms, watts and power in industrial electricity. The student will be able to wire simple AC circuits, utilize volt-ohm meter. Diagnose circuit problems and determine circuit operations from a two-line diagram. Persons involved with machine design, drafting, maintenance, production, automation, packaging, plastics and fluid power engineering technologies should consider this course.
Course Requirements and Evaluation
Refer to Course Syllabus for detailed information regarding the requirements and evaluation standards for this course. The Course Syllabus will be distributed the first week of the course.
Learning Outcomes
The following outcomes will be addressed in the course.
Identify electrical terms.
Explain alternating current.
Explain direct current.
Explain series circuits.
Explain parallel circuits.
Explain series-parallel circuits.
Identify abbreviations.
Identify electrical symbols.
Demonstrate voltmeter.
Demonstrate ammeter.
Demonstrate ohmmeter.
Demonstrate wattmeter.
Demonstrate safe electric testing.
Describe wiring materials.
Explain protective devices.
Explain conductor sizing.
Explain coils/solenoids.
Explain pressure switches.
Explain limit switches.
Explain DC motor operation.
Explain AC motor operation.
Explain temperature control devices.
Explain relay controls.
Read ladder diagrams.
Read machine diagrams.
Draw circuits with electrical devices.
Calculate volts.
Calculate ohms.
Calculate current.
Calculate watts.
Measure voltage.
Measure current.
Measure resistance.
Measure power.
Connect series circuits.
Connect parallel circuits.
Connect series-parallel circuits.
Wire electrical circuits.
Text and References
A list of textbooks required for this course is available at the bookstore.
Course Scheduling
The scheduled hours of instruction include sixteen hours for each lecture credit, thirty two hours for each lab credit and forty hours for each credit of supervised occupational experience (SOE). Lecture credit may include formal or impromptu lectures, demonstrations or discussions with the entire class or with small groups or individuals. Refer to the Credit Details section of this course outline for the credit breakdown.
Accommodations Statement
Disability Services assists students with disabilities who need accommodations to access programs, services and college activities. If this applies to you, please contact the DS Office on your campus to initiate the accommodations process.
Brooklyn Park Campus - 763-488-2477
Eden Prairie Campus – 952-995-1544
Brooklyn Park Campus and Eden Prairie Campus: 952-995-1300
Credit Details