Senior Citizens (62 Years of Age or Older)

Minnesota residents, age 62 or older, are eligible to attend Hennepin Technical College at a reduced fee of $20 per semester credit. The senior rate fee will only apply to courses taken for credit. There is no tuition fee for auditing courses. Seniors must pay for books, supplies, and materials. Seniors will also be charged for specific course fees, student association, technology, and parking (unless online course). Senior rate registrations will be accepted on a space available basis the day of the first class meeting. Senior citizens wishing to guarantee their enrollment in a course may register earlier, but will be required to pay full tuition and fees. Coursework paid by senior citizens at the regular tuition rate prior to the date on which the reduced rate becomes available cannot be dropped and subsequently added in order to receive the reduced rate. All college policies apply to these students including Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.