Overview and Award Outcomes
This AS degree provides students a broad base of general education coursework relevant to the field of health sciences. Students who have chosen a career path or have not yet decided upon a specific course of study may elect to complete the foundational coursework in the health sciences coupled with a range of general education courses. The degree is designed to transfer to all MnSCU system universities offering related baccalaureate programs through a statewide articulation agreement. Students are encouraged to consult with both Hennepin Technical College and transfer university counselors/advisors early and often, for guidance and planning regarding the requirements of the various health sciences baccalaureate programs to facilitate the most efficient transition and transfer.
Award Outcomes
Develop as writers and speakers who use the English language effectively and who read, write, speak and listen critically
Apply mathematical, scientific and logical modes of thinking
Develop the ability to use technology to improve and facilitate their learning
Explain processes of humans and other biological systems
Demonstrate safe, environmentally responsible procedures in varied situations
Expand their ability to identify, discuss and reflect upon social, ethical and behavioral issues
Extend their awareness of cultural, global and environmental topics
Career Opportunities
Obtaining a Health Science Broad Field degree at HTC opens the door to transfer opportunities in your program of study and others as well: Allied Health Biology; Athletic Training; Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation; Communication Disorders; Community Health; Corrections; Dietetics; Exercise Science; Foods and Nutrition; Health Education; Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Services; Health Promotion; Health Science; Movement Sciences; Nursing (limited seats available on a competitive basis); Psychology; Social Work; and Therapeutic Recreation.
Semester Sequence
Offered at Brooklyn Park and Eden Prairie
Fourth Semester
BIOL1100 | Nutrition and Health | 3 |
BIOL2235 | Microbiology | 4 |
PSYC1200 | Psychology Throughout the Lifespan | 3 |
| | |
| Choose 3 credits from MnTC Goal Area 1 | 3 |
| Technical Studies Electives | 5 |
| or | |
| General Education Electives | 5 |
Technical Studies Electives
Technical Studies Courses may be used to satisfy elective credits
Choose credits from Hennepin Technical College’s Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) general education courses.
Choose a Total of: 5 Credits
MnTC Goal Area 1
A complete list of MnTC courses and Goal Areas that can be used to meet General Education requirements can be found at www.hennepintech.edu. The same course cannot satisfy more than one MnTC Goal Area requirement.
Choose a Total of: 3 Credits
MnTC Goal Area 6
Choose a Total of: 3 Credits
Graduation (60 Credits)
Semester listings reflect the recommended sequence. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the information herein is subject to change without notice.
1/24/2024 : BP 8702 / EP 8703