BUSN2060 Business Research and Analytics
This course will include an overview of the business research environment. Problem definition, qualitative, quantitative and secondary research will be covered. The appropriate time to use survey research, observation research and experimental research in developing a business plan will be included in the course.
Qualifying score on reading assessment test OR
Course Requirements and Evaluation
Refer to Course Syllabus for detailed information regarding the requirements and evaluation standards for this course. The Course Syllabus will be distributed the first week of the course.
Learning Outcomes
The following outcomes will be addressed in the course:
Describe the role of research in business management
Identify business problems that specifically demand statistical analysis
Define Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics
Define action research
Identify current business process measurement and improvement tools and methods, including Six Sigma, Lean, Kaizen, and 5S
Differentiate between types of primary and secondary data
Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative data, research, and measurement
Describe qualitative research approaches, including interviewing, surveying, observation focus groups, case studies
Demonstrate understanding of statistical methods
Demonstrate ethical responsibility in conducting business research
Text and References
A list of textbooks required for this course is available at the
campus store and in eServices.
Course Scheduling
The scheduled hours of instruction include sixteen hours for each lecture credit, thirty-two hours for each lab credit, and forty hours for each credit of supervised occupational experience (SOE). Lecture credit may include formal or impromptu lectures, demonstrations, or discussions with the entire class or with small groups or individuals. Refer to the Course Credits section of this course outline for the credit breakdown.
Accommodations Statement
Access Services - Reasonable accommodations are available to qualified students with documented disabilities. Upon attending an intake meeting with Access Services, qualified students will receive a letter listing the approved accommodations that they may provide to their instructors. If you have a documented disability that may require accommodations, contact HTC Access Services at
AccessServices@hennepintech.edu or
Brooklyn Park Campus and Eden Prairie Campus: 952-995-1300
Credit Details