Overview and Award Outcomes
A manufacturing engineering technician is a professional person who is flexible, self-motivated, team oriented, and capable of assigning as well as following instructions. Manufacturing engineering technicians are called upon to assist engineers in the research, development and the modification of new and current designs, products and processes. Many technicians are involved in the assembly, acceptance testing, and providing field service support for current products. The technician possesses an understanding of CAD drafting, engineering drawings, fluid power fundamentals, instrumentation and data acquisition, industrial electrical applications, machining and tooling principles and precision measurement.
The Manufacturing Engineering Technology A.A.S. degree program provides the student with a multi-discipline skill base and prepares the individual to perform the high-level tasks that are required in today`s global manufacturing market. This degree is unique in that it allows the student to receive a broad-based education in the manufacturing environment along with a specialization in one or more of the many areas involved in this field. The student may choose to specialize in automated robotics, electronics, engineering CAD, fluid power, machine tool, plastics technology or welding. This degree is also intended for those seeking career advancement. Students may continue their education and proceed towards a Bachelors in Manufacturing degree which prepares the student for supervisory and management positions.
Award Outcomes
Follow safety guidelines and practices as mandated by O.S.H.A.
Apply electrical concepts as they relate to N.E.M.A. and I.E.C. electrical standards and equipment
Develop PLC programs using Boolean algebra and software methods
Produce engineering drawings and schematics using ANSI, ISO and industry symbols and standards
Problem solve by analyzing data using statistical process control (SPC) and quality assurance (QA) theory and methods
Utilize data acquisition systems and devices that are prevalent in the manufacturing industries
Generate drawings with a personal computer and computer aided design (CAD) software
Analyze fluid power applications in accordance with NFPA and industry standards and practices
Comprehend terms and methods that are used to communicate between manufacturing industry disciplines
Examine manufacturing engineering design concepts and processes
Use applied physics to investigate power transmission methods
Investigate production models using various data methods
Utilize software applications commonly found in the manufacturing industry
Career Opportunities
This is one of the fastest growing areas of employment in manufacturing occupations. There is an extensive shortage of individuals who possess a multi-discipline skill base. Global market competition has directed manufacturing companies to seek out the multi-facet candidate. As a result of these situations, demand for the graduate is extremely high. The employment positions offer excellent opportunities for personal and professional growth. Individuals who seek a career as a manufacturing engineering technician may find jobs in a variety of diverse areas such as: assembly, automation, manufacturing, quality assurance, research and development, design, and field service. Job duties may include supervision, engineering, and product development along with customer relations and travel. Manufacturing Engineering Technicians are in high demand in small to large companies and within various government agencies. The Manufacturing Engineering Technician is well positioned for advancement opportunities as well as long-term employment.
Semester Sequence
Offered at Brooklyn Park and Eden Prairie
Second Semester
ENGC1011 | Engineering Drawing | 3 |
METS1020 | Industrial Manufacturing Processes | 3 |
| | |
| Choose one of the following: | |
| Brooklyn Park Campus | |
MACH1205 | Machine Tool Technology | 3 |
| and | |
PLST1041 | Introduction to Plastics Molding Processes | 3 |
| or | |
| Eden Prairie Campus | |
ARET1140 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3 |
| and | |
ENGC1050 | Additive Manufacturing | 3 |
| | |
| Choose three credits from your specialization courses | 3 |
Third Semester
METS1050 | Quality Control | 3 |
| Choose 3 credits from MnTC Goal Area 2 | 3 |
| | |
| Choose six credits from your specialization courses | 6 |
| | |
| Choose one of the following: | |
MATH1150 | Applications of Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MATH1250 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
MATH1400 | College Algebra | 4 |
Fourth Semester
METS2100 | Statics and Strength of Materials | 3 |
| General Education Electives | 6 |
| | |
| Choose three credits from your specialization courses | 3 |
| | |
| Choose one of the following: | |
ENGL1070 | Technical Writing | 3 |
ENGL1100 | Writing and Research | 4 |
Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Specialization - 15 Credits
Engineering CAD Technology Specialization - 15 Credits
Machine Tool Technology Specialization - 15 Credits
Welding and Metal Fabrication Specialization - 15 Credits
Electronics Technology Specialization - 15 Credits
Fluid Power Specialization - 15 Credits
Plastics Engineering Technology Specialization - 15 Credits
MnTC Goal Area 2
A complete list of MnTC courses and Goal Areas that can be used to meet General Education requirements can be found at www.hennepintech.edu. The same course cannot satisfy more than one MnTC Goal Area requirement.
Choose a Total of: 3 Credits
General Education Electives
Choose credits from Hennepin Technical College’s Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) general education courses.
Choose a Total of: 6 Credits
Graduation (60 Credits)
Semester listings reflect the recommended sequence. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the information herein is subject to change without notice.
1/12/2024: BP 4504 / EP 4505